Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Worldwide Public Space Act

(Part 2 of 2?)

via ABC7 San Francisco

Those wealthy shrines of empty space stood there with pride, the city looking back with indignation. Having nothing was the new standard for public displays of private wealth.

The common man became increasingly poor, and the rich man increasingly rich. Revolution became imminent.

Sit-ins were organized across the country to take back the space that the people claimed was rightfully theirs. For an entire year as the protest unfolded, one could make out tiny shanty towns a mile high in the sky inhabiting every last rooftop park. On the ground protest favellas emerged within the private empty spaces. When the police, resources stretched incredibly thin due to the massive scale of the movement, attempted to evict these protesters they simply reset their camps the next day. Unable to control the situation and responding to the widespread unrest the government passed the historic Public Space Act. This resolution concluded that every new construction must create an equal amount of open and accessible green space as the building took, effectively producing cities with 100% topographical open public space.

The world, forced to become less dense, slowly leeched out into the never ending suburbs where buildings could melt into the landscape producing fabricated mountains across the earth's surface. A ramp of greenery tucking the building functions inconspicuously underneath took over as the typical building form and the world became an endless sea of open and accessible green hills. Natural vegetation soon took over and these days old growth forests create a natural sun canopy over much of the developed world.

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